What is the mission of USMEF?
The mission of USMEF is to “Increase the value and profit opportunities for the U.S. beef, pork and lamb industries by enhancing demand in export markets through a coordinated and collaborative partnership of all stakeholders.”
Simply put, USMEF is “Putting U.S. Meat on the World’s Table.”
What is the Vision of USMEF?
The recognized global leader in analyzing, cultivating, and penetrating international red meat markets.
What are the values of USMEF?
These core values will drive the beliefs and behaviors of USMEF staff:
• International Mindset - We understand and appreciate the diversity of markets and celebrate the opportunities that diversity creates.
• Integrity - We are honest, trustworthy and our daily actions and behaviors are consistent with our stated values.
• Service - We believe our primary focus must be on serving the needs of our stakeholders and international customers.
• Accountability - We value results and are dedicated to fulfilling our commitments and promises.
• Objectivity - We believe good decisions require clear, fact-based thinking and reasoning.
• Innovation - We believe the resourcefulness and creativity are critical to accomplishing USMEF’s mission
Strategic Priorities
Total Carcass Utilization:
Maximize returns at each link in the marketing chain by building export demand for value-added products and the complete range of red-meat items, especially those that are underutilized in the U.S. market.
Trade Support:
Gather and disseminate market intelligence and facilitate contact between U.S. exporters and targeted buyers in export markets.
Buyer Education and Loyalty:
Educate targeted buyers in export markets on the attributes of U.S. red meat and red-meat products and build buyer loyalty to products exported from the United States.
Market Presence:
Increase the presence of U.S. red meat and red-meat products in the HRI and retail sectors in targeted export markets.
Product Image:
Establish positive images for U.S. beef, pork and lamb with consumers in targeted export markets.
Market Access:
Collaborate with industry partners to secure meaningful, sustained access to new and existing export markets using all available means.