Become a Member
USMEF Membership is available to any company or individual having a common business interest with the U.S. red meat industry. Memberships are renewed annually on October 1st, and dues are prorated for members joining in any month except October.
The following services will help USMEF members identify new market opportunities:
Trade leads published online.
USMEF news stories sent by e-mail to members wishing to be on the USMEF notification list. E-mail: Joe Schuele for inclusion.
The Export Newsline, USMEF’s weekly news and information newsletter
Exporters receive a daily USMEF bulletin
Online technical notes designed to provide urgent information for specific export markets
Online USMEF event calendar to keep members informed of USMEF promotional activities and events
Updated lists of importers
International trade team visits to members’ facilities
Participation in international product shows
Experience and assistance available from USMEF’s international offices
USMEF’s international offices can help members visiting their markets arrange appointments with buyers, retailers and assist in engaging translation services
International market studies and consumer research
Assistance with product claims
Seminars on technical, financial, market analysis and trends or trade issues
Access to USMEF’s Export Services Department which includes assistance with labeling, health/sanitary and certification issues, tariffs and EU and Halal pre-plant inspections at reduced rates
Market access – removing trade and technical barriers:
Reducing unfair tariffs and other nontariff trade barriers such as health and sanitation issues
Updates on tariffs, quotas, and health issues
USMEF international offices conduct product promotions that stimulate demand for U.S. products:
Trade seminars and joint promotions
Branded product promotions
Publicity campaigns and advertising
Newsletters and educational materials for international buyers
Promotions in retail outlets, hotels, and restaurants
USMEF international offices can provide one-on-one assistance on specific programs for U.S. exporters