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Export Statistics

USMEF compiles trade statistics from monthly data reported by USDA/FAS and collected by the U.S. Department of Commerce.  USMEF includes beef and pork muscle cuts, processed products and variety meat or offals in the trade statistics.  Hides and other rendered or inedible products are not included in the data reported by USMEF.

USMEF’s monthly export statistics refer to both muscle cuts and variety meat, unless otherwise noted.  Complete historical export data for U.S. pork, beef and lamb are located under the “Monthly Export Archive” tab.  Highlights from the latest monthly export data released are located under the “Latest Export Results” tab.

USMEF also provides highlights from the weekly data reported through USDA/FAS’s Export Sales Reporting Program for beef and pork.  This data only includes reported exports of boxed muscle cuts (including three or six piece carcasses) and does not include variety meats, further processed products or trim.

Year-End 2024 Report Quantifies Accumulated Exports and Outstanding Sales 

Pork exports for Dec. 27-31 totaled 20,500 MT, which brought accumulated 2024 exports to 1,677,600 MT – up 6% from the 2023 total of 1,580,000 MT. In 2024, the primarily destinations were Mexico (668,247 MT, +4%), Japan (225,190 MT, +16%), Korea (182,225 MT, +21%), China (169,850 MT, -17%), Canada (98,588 MT, -1%), Colombia (96,723 MT, +24%), Australia (54,926 MT, +25%), the Dominican Republic (38,432 MT, +0%), Honduras (35,686 MT, +45%), the Philippines (20,115 MT, +26%), Guatemala (14,587 MT,  -6%), Chile (10,838 MT, -24%), Nicaragua (9,327 MT, +11%), Taiwan (3,069 MT, -72%), Vietnam (2,540 MT, +2%) and Hong Kong (2,377 mt, -24%). 

For the new 2025 marketing year, this week’s report only included exports from Jan. 1-2. On those two days, exports of 5,000 MT were reported, primarily to Mexico (2,290 MT), Korea (600 MT), Japan (410 MT), China (360 MT), Canada (310 MT), Australia (300 MT), Honduras (120 MT), Nicaragua (100 MT), Colombia (80 MT), Guatemala (80 MT), Vietnam (50 MT) and the Dominican Republic (30 MT). No exports were reported to Chile, Hong Kong, the Philippines, or Taiwan. 

At the end of 2024, outstanding sales for that year that had not been delivered totaled 77,764 MT. This total was carried over and added to sales previously reported for 2025 delivery. So at the beginning of January, outstanding sales for 2025 totaled 220,231 MT (this compares to 236,159 MT of outstanding sales at the beginning of January 2024). The largest destinations for outstanding sales on Jan. 2, 2025, were Mexico (67,885 MT), Korea (49,546 MT), China (20,939 MT), Canada (17,430 MT), Japan (15,494 MT), Colombia (13,044 MT), Australia (11,512 MT) and the Dominican Republic (4,379 MT). 

Pork net sales reported on Jan. 1-2 were robust at 31,000 MT. These were included in the outstanding sales total of 220,231 MT above. Sales were led by a large total for Mexico (20,570 MT, including decreases of 100 MT), but were also reported for Japan (2,970 MT, including decreases of 200 MT), Colombia (2,400 MT), Korea (1,840 MT, including decreases of 200 MT), Canada (1,170 MT, including decreases of 500 MT), Australia (420 MT), Chile (220 MT), Guatemala (220 MT), the Dominican Republic (170 MT), Honduras (170 MT), Vietnam (120 MT), Taiwan (110 MT), Hong Kong (70 MT), China (30 MT), Nicaragua (30 MT) and the Philippines (20 MT). 

Beef exports for Dec. 27-31 totaled 10,400 MT, which brought accumulated 2024 exports to 797,700 MT – down 2% from the 2023 total of 810,200 MT. In 2024, the primary destinations were South Korea (208,978 MT, -2%), Japan (191,403 MT, -3%), China (122,592 MT, -6%), Mexico (78,080 MT, +2%), Taiwan (59,539 MT, +7%), Canada (45,472 MT, -7%), Hong Kong (24,574 MT, -4%), Indonesia (13,460 MT, +17%), the Philippines (7,494 MT, +29%) and Guatemala (3,906 MT, -35%).  

For the new 2025 marketing year, this week’s report only includes exports reported Jan. 1-2.  On those two days, exports of 610 MT were reported, primarily to Korea (330 MT), Mexico (90 MT), China (70 MT), Japan (40 MT), Hong Kong (30 MT), Indonesia (20 MT), the Philippines (10 MT) and Canada (3 MT). No exports were reported to Taiwan or Guatemala.    

At the end of 2024, outstanding sales for that year that had not yet been delivered totaled 53,403 MT. This total was carried over to 2025 and added to sales previously reported for 2025 delivery. So at the beginning of January, outstanding sales for 2025 totaled 128,415 MT (this compares to 124,726 MT of outstanding sales at the beginning of 2024).  The largest destinations for outstanding sales on Jan. 2, 2025, were Korea (35,285 MT), Japan (23,829 MT), China (21,189 MT), Mexico (14,196 MT), Taiwan (8,552 MT), Canada (5,376 MT), Hong Kong (3,955 MT) and Guatemala (1,451 MT). 

Beef net sales of 5,600 MT for 2025 delivery were reported Jan. 1-2 (and were included in the 2025 outstanding sales total of 128,415 MT above). Sales were reported mainly to Mexico (2,380 MT, including decreases of 2,800 MT), Korea (1,350 MT, including decreases of 200 MT), Japan (900 MT, including decreases of 200 MT), China (480 MT, including decreases of 100 MT), Canada (280 MT, including decreases of 100 MT), Taiwan (230 MT), Hong Kong (50 MT), the Philippines (10 MT) and Guatemala (1 MT). Corrections resulted in negative net sales to the Dominican Republic (-170 MT) and Indonesia (-50 MT).

Christmas Holiday Slows Beef and Pork Exports 

Beef exports for the holiday-shortened week of Dec. 20-26 totaled 12,200 MT, down 26% from the previous week and 21% below the previous four-week average. Exports were higher to Japan (3,420 MT, +6%) and the Philippines (110 MT, +5%) but trended lower to other main destinations including South Korea (3,410 MT, -21%), China (2,000 MT, -20%), Mexico (1,150 MT, -29%), Taiwan (850 MT, -34%), Canada (510 MT, -45%), Hong Kong (280 MT, -41%), Guatemala (40 MT, -57%), United Arab Emirates (20 MT, -11%) and Indonesia (8 MT, -89%). 

Net sales for both beef and pork continued to shift mostly to 2025 delivery. Beef sales for 2025 delivery were of 11,140 MT, reported primarily for Korea (3,900 MT), Taiwan (1,840 MT), China (1,790 MT), Canada (1,190 MT), Mexico (950 MT), Japan (640 MT) and Hong Kong (200 MT). Net sales for 2024 delivery were just 1,400 MT, up 29% from the previous week but 71% below the previous four-week average.  Sales increased to Italy (120 MT, +64%) and were positive to China (380 MT, including decreases of 100 MT), United Arab Emirates (60 MT) and Taiwan (30 MT) following a week of corrections and to the Philippines (2 MT) following five weeks of corrections. Sales slowed to Japan (1,260 MT, -31% and including decreases of 200 MT), Mexico (50 MT, -94%) and Canada (30 MT, -94%), and no sales were reported to Guatemala. Corrections resulted in negative net sales to Korea (-330 MT), Hong Kong (-190 MT) and Indonesia (-2 MT, the fourth consecutive week of corrections). 

Pork exports totaled 23,700 MT, down 27% from the previous week and from the previous four-week average. Exports to Vietnam (100 MT, up significantly from the previous four-week average) were the highest since May. Exports were also higher to Hong Kong (80 MT, +29%) but slowed to other destinations including Mexico (10,080 MT, -24%), Japan (2,580 MT, -29%), Korea (2,570 MT, -29%), China (2,480 MT, -25%), Canada (1,520 MT, -22%), Colombia (1,180 MT, -37%), Australia (1,060 MT, -38%), the Dominican Republic (520 MT, -16%), Honduras (470 MT, -22%), the Philippines (150 MT, -2%), Costa Rica (100 MT, -56%), Guatemala (90 MT, -72%) and Nicaragua (80 MT, -65%). No exports were reported or to Taiwan, or to Chile for the second consecutive week.  

Pork net sales for 2025 delivery totaled 13,500 MT, as positive sales primarily for Japan (5,320 MT), Mexico (2,820 MT), Korea (1,790 MT), Colombia (1,220 MT), Canada (520 MT), Australia (460 MT), the Dominican Republic (380 MT) and Honduras (310 MT) were partially offset by reductions for China (-260 MT) and Taiwan (-20 MT). Sales for 2024 delivery were 7,500 MT, up 6% from the previous week but 60% below the previous four-week average. Sales were higher to Mexico (8,520 MT, +19% and including decreases of 100 MT), the Dominican Republic (430 MT, +90% and including decreases of 100 MT), and Taiwan (20 MT, up significantly from the previous four-week average), and sales were positive to Hong Kong (30 MT) following four weeks of corrections. Sales slowed to Japan (630 MT, -77% and including decreases of 300 MT), China (220 MT, -90% and including decreases of 100 MT) and Honduras (120 MT, -78% and including decreases of 100 MT). No sales were reported to Vietnam, and corrections resulted in negative net sales for Korea (-1,420 MT, the second week of corrections), Australia (-410 MT), Colombia (-250 MT), Nicaragua (-190 MT, the second consecutive week of corrections), Costa Rica (-130 MT), the Philippines (-100 MT), Canada (-60 MT), Chile (-20 MT) and Guatemala (-20 MT).

  • Percent change is compared to the previous four-week average, unless otherwise noted.

  • Export is defined as an actual shipment from the U.S. to a foreign country.

  • Export sale is defined as a transaction entered into between a reporting exporter and a foreign buyer. Sales can be cancelled or adjusted in following weeks, thus “net” sales are reported as the difference between new sales and any cancellations or adjustments.

  • Due to the lapse in federal funding, a combined report was released for the six weeks from Jan. 10-Feb. 14, 2019. Averages are used for the weekly exports and weekly net sales for those weeks.