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USMEF Retail Programs Build Market For U.S. Meat In Mexico

Published: Sep 18, 2003

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For American beef and pork producers, Mexico has become a top export market.  One reason why is the variety of U.S. Meat Export Federation programs focused on the retail arena in Mexico.

Gilberto Lozano (hill-bear-toe low-sa-no), serves as USMEF director for Mexico. He says one example of a highly successful partnership with Mexico’s retail chains is a USMEF mystery shopper contest that helps retailers improve the quality of their meat departments …

  :26– If we were …… in all.

Lozano says that perhaps the most important focus of the contest was correct and consistent labeling of U.S.meat …

  :38– One of the things …… correctly.

One of the chains participating in the USMEF mystery shopper program was Chedraui stores in Mexico City.  Javier La Rea is chief manager for Chedrahui, he says the contest has made an impact with shoppers in his stores …

    :13 – We are giving …… in Mexico.

On average, chains that participate in the USMEF mystery shopper program have seen 20 to 25 percent increases in sales of U.S. beef and pork.  USMEF’s work with retailers in Mexico is funded by USDA and producer checkoff dollars.  A look at USMEF’s highly successful chef contest in Mexico, in our next report.

The U.S. Meat Export Federation is the trade association responsible for developing international markets for the meat industry and is funded by USDA, exporting companies, and the beef, pork, corn, sorghum and soybean checkoff programs.

-- USMEF --