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USMEF Audio: New USMEF Chairman Says Greater Attention to Consumer Demands is Critical to Export Growth...

Published: Nov 18, 2009

Nov. 13, 2009 - Montana rancher Jim Peterson was elected today as the new U.S. Meat Export Federation chairman for the coming year, succeedingIowa pork producer Jon Caspers. In addition to his ranching operation near Buffalo,Mont., Peterson is the majority leader of the Montana State Senate and Associate Dean of Agriculture at Montana State University. He was formerly the executive vice president of Montana Stockgrowers Association and executive secretary of the Montana Public Land Council. Raised on a family operation in  Montana, Peterson has been involved in cattle feeding, farming, ranching, agricultural banking and beef industry associations for more than three decades.

USMEF Chairman Jim Peterson

When addressing USMEF members at this week’s USMEF Strategic Planning Conference in Denver, Peterson said limited market access for U.S. meat exports is costing the industry billions of dollars, and that resolving these access issues would be a tremendous boost for livestock producers.

Audio Clip #1:              :21        Outcue:            (… has to be done.)

But Peterson urged the U.S. industry to be more receptive to voluntary measures that will help address overseas consumers’ concerns about source verification and food safety, offering some examples from his recent visit to Japan, China and South Korea.

Audio Clip #2:              :48        Outcue:            (… shovel-ready stimulus project.)

Other USMEF officers elected include Keith Miller, a farmer-stockman from Great Bend, Kan., who is the new USMEF chairman-elect. Miller owns a commercial cow/calf operation and farms more than 7,500 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat, alfalfa and milo. He is an active Farm Bureau member, having served as president of the Barton County Farm Bureau and on the Kansas Farm Bureau board of directors.

Indiana pork producer Danita Rodibaugh is the new USMEF vice chair. Rodibaugh's family farm operation near Rensselaer, Ind.,  produces corn, soybeans, wheat and purebred seedstock swine. She became active with USMEF as a member of the board of directors of the National Pork Producers Council and as a past president of the National Pork Board.

Steve Isaf, president of Atlanta-based Interra International, is USMEF’s new secretary-treasurer. Isaf has served on the USMEF Executive Committee for three years and is immediate past chairman of the USMEF Exporter Committee.

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The U.S. Meat Export Federation ( is the trade association responsible for developing international markets for the U.S. red meat industry and is funded by USDA, exporting companies, and the beef, pork, corn and soybean checkoff programs.

USMEF complies with all equal opportunity, non-discrimination and affirmative action measures applicable to it by contract, government rule or regulation or as otherwise provided by law.