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Seng Audio on Pork Market Access

Published: Apr 27, 2009

The recent influenza outbreak has generated global attention, and an uneven response from international trading partners with regard to market access for red meat. The United States exports pork to about 80 nations across the world, and the in the vast majority of these countries the market access conditions for U.S. pork exports have not been adversely impacted. Some notable exceptions have occurred, however, and USMEF is working to compile accurate information on these market suspensions as it becomes available. According to USMEF President and CEO Philip Seng, the organization is also working closely with all sectors of the pork industry and with U.S. trade officials to provide trading partners with updated safety information and alleviate any consumer concerns about the safety of U.S. pork.

Audio Clip #1   :35        Outcue: (…quickly as possible.)

Public health officials have been very diligent in reassuring consumers about the safety of pork, and this appears to have been effective in limiting the spread any unfounded food safety concerns in the United States. Health officials in many overseas markets have taken similar action, mitigating any adverse consumer reaction toward pork or pork imports. Seng cites Japan as an excellent example, where Japan’s farm minister has reassured the public that handling and consumption of pork does not pose a risk to their health or safety, and that a ban on pork imports is not necessary. 

Audio Clip #2   :46        Outcue: (…won't have any problems.)

So far, the combination of official and rumored market suspensions are limited to countries representing roughly 10 percent of U.S. pork export volume. Russia and Jordan are the only countries so far that have suspended trade for meat products other than pork. But the situation is still very serious, and USMEF will work closely with trade officials to restore market access as quickly as possible.

Updated information on market access will be posted as it becomes available at