VIDEO: Seminar Educates Latin American Importers on Attributes of U.S. Beef and Pork
With funding support provided by the National Corn Growers Association, the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) brought meat importers from Mexico and Central and South America to Nebraska for an extensive, hands-on education on the attributes and advantages of U.S. beef and pork.
A two-day seminar at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) covered a wide range of topics, including meat quality characteristics, processing techniques, the importance of proper freezing and thawing of meat products, and packaging methods for ready-to-cook and ready-to-eat items. UNL’s Loeffel Meat Laboratory offered importers the opportunity to experiment with cutting, flavoring and processing methods using U.S. pork loin and U.S. beef cuts from the round primal.
Following the seminar, pork and beef merchandising techniques were highlighted in visits to a specialty meat shop and supermarket. Importers also got a firsthand look at cattle feeding practices at Champion Feeders near Mead, Neb., and toured the Wholestone Farms pork plant near Fremont, Neb.
Highlights from the seminar and industry tours are captured in this video:
VIDEO: USMEF Seminar Educates Latin American Importers
A downloadable version of the video is also available HERE.
For questions, please contact Joe Schuele or call 303-547-0030. For assistance with the video, please contact John Herath or call 574-440-9345.
Photos for use with this release:
Dr. Gary Sullivan of the Univ. of Nebraska discusses ready-to-eat meat products
A team of importers works with U.S. pork loin at the Univ. of Nebraska meat laboratory
Seminar participants see U.S. pork on display at a Hy-Vee supermarket in Nebraska
Importers tour Champion Feeders near Mead, Neb.
Importers are briefed prior to a tour of the Wholestone Farms pork plant near Fremont, Neb.