Audio: U.S. Lamb Industry Low on Supply, but Benefiting from Export Opportunities
Published: Nov 09, 2011
U.S. lamb exports took center stage at the general session of the U.S. Meat Export Federation’s Strategic Planning Conference Friday, as Gary Pfeiffer, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Superior Farms, provided attendees with a U.S. lamb industry update. Pfeiffer noted that while the U.S. sheep flock is small, lamb exports are a bright spot for the industry and are helping provide healthy returns to producers. He goes on to discuss some of the top export destinations for U.S. lamb.
Through August of this year, U.S. lamb exports have climbed 72 percent ahead of last year’s pace in terms of volume (28.4 million pounds) and 42 percent higher in value ($21.2 million). With four months of results still to come, exports are on pace to easily break the annual export volume record of 30.7 million pounds and the export value record of $27.8 million, which were both established in 2006.
Joe Schuele: This is Joe Schuele with the USMEF report. Lamb export to external stage is one of the session of last week USMEF Strategic Planning Conference. As Gary Pfeiffer of Superior Farms provided the U.S. lamb industry update.
Gary Pfeiffer: An annual harvest is almost 2.5 million head which is an incredible growth in the value of lamb. It is average in about $300 a head which works out to 75 lb Lamb it is about $4 a pound hanging weight so it is a good return to the producer and what we are seeing in the industry and worldwide demand for Lamb, which I will talk a little bit more, there is an opportunity and we see that market remaining very very strong in the future as the demand for lamb continues to be very strong. We are certainly hoping that this record returns are leading to flock rebuilding because we can use every lamb that is produced.
Joe Schuele: Pfeiffer emphasized that even if lamb supplies are small, the export market represents very critical opportunity.
Gary Pfeiffer : In the U.S. 50 percent of lamb consumed is imported from Australia and New Zealand. So if we are only half of US supply and don’t have even enough to supply our own needs, why export? There are certainly great reasons why we export. Certainly we are seeing an opportunity to maximize returns on our premium products, you know rack? of lamb , it should be on top menus anywhere in the world. We can captured a great returns on legs and shoulders and markets privilege.. exclusive on Australian and New Zeland product and certainly improved returns on variety of meats. American don’t eat a lot of lamb kidney it is our fault but around the world it is preferred item. So right now the top international market for US Lamb is Mexico. A lot of our heads go to Mexico, and shoulders when price is right. Caribbean is a great market for us. Canada is the market that it has been dominated by New Zeeland industry for years and years. Quite frankly they take it for granted. So we are pleased to say that Superior Farms we are able to capture some significant retail market share up this year. Central South America and China, Hong Kong, represent small export business today but certainly credible opportunity going forward.
Joe Schuele: For more of this and trade issues please visit
Through August of this year, U.S. lamb exports have climbed 72 percent ahead of last year’s pace in terms of volume (28.4 million pounds) and 42 percent higher in value ($21.2 million). With four months of results still to come, exports are on pace to easily break the annual export volume record of 30.7 million pounds and the export value record of $27.8 million, which were both established in 2006.
Joe Schuele: This is Joe Schuele with the USMEF report. Lamb export to external stage is one of the session of last week USMEF Strategic Planning Conference. As Gary Pfeiffer of Superior Farms provided the U.S. lamb industry update.
Gary Pfeiffer: An annual harvest is almost 2.5 million head which is an incredible growth in the value of lamb. It is average in about $300 a head which works out to 75 lb Lamb it is about $4 a pound hanging weight so it is a good return to the producer and what we are seeing in the industry and worldwide demand for Lamb, which I will talk a little bit more, there is an opportunity and we see that market remaining very very strong in the future as the demand for lamb continues to be very strong. We are certainly hoping that this record returns are leading to flock rebuilding because we can use every lamb that is produced.
Joe Schuele: Pfeiffer emphasized that even if lamb supplies are small, the export market represents very critical opportunity.
Gary Pfeiffer : In the U.S. 50 percent of lamb consumed is imported from Australia and New Zealand. So if we are only half of US supply and don’t have even enough to supply our own needs, why export? There are certainly great reasons why we export. Certainly we are seeing an opportunity to maximize returns on our premium products, you know rack? of lamb , it should be on top menus anywhere in the world. We can captured a great returns on legs and shoulders and markets privilege.. exclusive on Australian and New Zeland product and certainly improved returns on variety of meats. American don’t eat a lot of lamb kidney it is our fault but around the world it is preferred item. So right now the top international market for US Lamb is Mexico. A lot of our heads go to Mexico, and shoulders when price is right. Caribbean is a great market for us. Canada is the market that it has been dominated by New Zeeland industry for years and years. Quite frankly they take it for granted. So we are pleased to say that Superior Farms we are able to capture some significant retail market share up this year. Central South America and China, Hong Kong, represent small export business today but certainly credible opportunity going forward.
Joe Schuele: For more of this and trade issues please visit