Audio: Global Initiative Seeks Increased Sales of U.S. Pork Butt in Overseas Markets
Published: Apr 26, 2011
The pork shoulder butt is a tender, flavorful and affordable cut that may not
be reaching its full potential in some overseas export markets. A global
USMEF initiative is out to change that by working with foreign buyers on new
ways to promote and merchandise this often-underutilized cut. Greg Hanes,
USMEF assistant vice president for international marketing, explains the
reasoning behind this USMEF initiative, as well as some of the specific
markets and merchandising tactics involved.
be reaching its full potential in some overseas export markets. A global
USMEF initiative is out to change that by working with foreign buyers on new
ways to promote and merchandise this often-underutilized cut. Greg Hanes,
USMEF assistant vice president for international marketing, explains the
reasoning behind this USMEF initiative, as well as some of the specific
markets and merchandising tactics involved.