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Audio: International Markets Committee a Key Highlight of Cattle Industry Summer Conference

Published: Jul 28, 2012
Several hundred cattlemen from across the nation will gather in Denver this week for the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. One of the conference’s best-attended sessions is sure to be Friday’s meeting of the beef industry’s Joint International Markets Committee.

The committee is chaired by Kevin Kester, a fifth-generation rancher from Parkfield, Calif. In the attached audio report, Kester addresses the important role exports play in U.S. cattle producers’ profitability and outlines some highlights of the committee’s upcoming meeting agenda, including:

• Keynote speaker Tony Clayton, president of Clayton Agri-Marketing, Inc.
• An overview of the international market environment by Philip Seng, USMEF president and CEO
• A review of how the export goals of the Beef Industry Long-Range Plan are being addressed
• An explanation of international beef trade trends by Brett Stuart, Cattle-Fax research analyst
• An international recipe tasting, featuring beef dishes from Japan, South Korea and Mexico


Joe Schuele: This is Joe Schuele with the U.S. Meat Export Federation Report. When the cattle industry summer conference is held this week in Denver, one of the best attended sessions will be the meeting of the industry’s joint international markets committee. Committee Chairman, Kevin Kester of Parkfield, CA explains why.

Kevin Kester: For the last several years, I’ve been vice chair or chair of the international markets committee and it’s been a really good experience to me. Folks from all over the world that are involved in the business of U.S. beef exports and it’s been a real eye opener on how that segment of our beef economy here has grown as we increase our exports across the world. As the cattle market’s been softening this summer and we we have draught issues and other things here at home, the export market has been a really bright spot, so we’re going to be talking about that.

Joe Schuele: For cattlemen planning to attend the meeting Kester outlines some agenda highlights.

Kevin Kester: I’m excited, we have a keynote speaker, Tony Clayton, he’s president of Clayton Agri-Marketing and Tony’s going to talk about the exporter’s role in getting our beef products across the globe. Phil Seng, the CEO of the U.S. Meat Export Federation is going to give an update on the international market environment; looking forward to that. As well as, people from CattleFax are going to give updates on beef trade figures and trends. We’ll have an overview of the beef industry’s Long-Range Plan, get an update on that, see how the export goals fit in to that. We’ll also have some international trade policy updates; and then to close out the meeting at the end of the day, we’re going to have an international beef recipe tasting. We’re going to have Japanese stuff, Korean, Asian, and Mexican chefs presenting beef dishes from those countries and I’m looking real forward to having a little taste test on some of those dishes.

Joe Schuele: For updates on the summer conference and other trade issues, please visit