Background Banner | Pop-Up Menu Eases Member Site Navigation | As an additiona...

Published: Aug 29, 2003

Pop-Up Menu Eases Member Site Navigation

As an additional benefit to members, the USMEF web site now includes a new pop-up menu on the left-hand navigation bar to improve site access.  This useful navigational link was added to enhance the member user experience, according to USMEF Vice President of Information Services Lynn Heinze.

“Previously, members could get lost clicking through the USMEF Web site and be unable to quickly return to the member home page or find the section they wanted,” said Heinze.  “Now the member home page and member choices are only a click away.”

The new navigational button says “Members” and is located on the left-hand navigation bar below the “Search USMEF” field box.  The button activates a pop-up menu, which allows one-click access navigation to the member home page, market access, member services, and other USMEF Web site sections.