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USMEF Latin American Product Showcase Postponed to Oct. 28-29

Published: Apr 13, 2020

The 2020 USMEF Latin American Product Showcase will be held Oct. 28-29 in San Jose, Costa Rica. The showcase was originally set for June 17-18, but was postponed due to travel restrictions and other concerns related to COVID-19.

The event will still be held at the Costa Rica Marriott Hotel Hacienda Belen, with more details available on this REGISTRATION PAGE. The hotel is sending out cancellation notices for the original June 17-18 dates. Therefore, please re-confirm reservations with the hotel for the new dates using the link found under the Hotel/Travel tab.

The Latin American Product Showcase has been held annually since 2011 but will be a biennial event going forward. After this year's event in Costa Rica, the next showcase will be in 2022. For questions, please contact Tammy Connolly.