USMEF BOD Meeting ...
Directors Elect Alan Smith As Chairman
USMEF elected its officers for 2004-2005 on Nov. 5 at the USMEF Board of Directors Strategic Planning and Marketing Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Alan Smith of the Texas Beef Council was elected Chairman.
John W. Bellinger of Agri-West International, Inc. was named Chairman-Elect, Dennis Erpelding of Elanco Animal Health was named Vice Chairman, and Dan Halstrom of Swift and Company is the new Secretary/Treasurer.
The USMEF sector representatives are:
• Packing/Processing Sector — Dan Spurling, Hormel Foods
• Oilseeds Producing Sector — Richard Schwartz, NebraskaSoybean
• Supply and Service Sector — Kimberly Sutter, Monsanto
• Lamb Producing & Feeding Sector — Rick Harbaugh, American Sheep Industry Association
BOD Resolves To Ask FSIS To Retain ‘For Export Only’ Items
The USMEF Board of Directors passed a resolution for USMEF to petition the Food Safety And Inspection Service (FSIS) to not only continue to certify specific products as “for export only,” but also expand the list of items which may be produced for this purpose and are approved by importing countries. The resolution directed USMEF to compile a list of products which are currently certified for the purpose of “for export only” along with all items which exporters would like to have included under this certification along with scientific background information which details the removal of these items from domestic production, and information that these items do not pose additional food safety risks. FSIS is considering removing the ability of exporters to produce and export products marked “for export only.”
Directors Elect Alan Smith As Chairman
USMEF elected its officers for 2004-2005 on Nov. 5 at the USMEF Board of Directors Strategic Planning and Marketing Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Alan Smith of the Texas Beef Council was elected Chairman.
John W. Bellinger of Agri-West International, Inc. was named Chairman-Elect, Dennis Erpelding of Elanco Animal Health was named Vice Chairman, and Dan Halstrom of Swift and Company is the new Secretary/Treasurer.
The USMEF sector representatives are:
• Packing/Processing Sector — Dan Spurling, Hormel Foods
• Oilseeds Producing Sector — Richard Schwartz, NebraskaSoybean
• Supply and Service Sector — Kimberly Sutter, Monsanto
• Lamb Producing & Feeding Sector — Rick Harbaugh, American Sheep Industry Association
BOD Resolves To Ask FSIS To Retain ‘For Export Only’ Items
The USMEF Board of Directors passed a resolution for USMEF to petition the Food Safety And Inspection Service (FSIS) to not only continue to certify specific products as “for export only,” but also expand the list of items which may be produced for this purpose and are approved by importing countries. The resolution directed USMEF to compile a list of products which are currently certified for the purpose of “for export only” along with all items which exporters would like to have included under this certification along with scientific background information which details the removal of these items from domestic production, and information that these items do not pose additional food safety risks. FSIS is considering removing the ability of exporters to produce and export products marked “for export only.”