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USMEF 2013 Market Expo to Peru & Panama

Published: Dec 06, 2012
Register now to attend USMEF’s Market Expo to Peru and Panama, March 10 -16, 2013. This tour will allow you the opportunity to understand how your check-off dollars are invested and to learn about the culture and customer base of these important emerging red meat export markets. In addition, you will gain a better understanding of USMEF’s marketing programs and strategies to increase red meat exports by visiting processing facilities, retail and foodservice outlets that utilize and promote U.S. red meat products.

The deadline to receive the discounted registration is Monday, Jan. 14. Register now to reserve your spot as the trip is limited to 15 participants and is on a firstcome, first-reserved basis. Payment must accompany registration forms and no spots may be held.

Consult the online brochure and registration form for more details. Questions? Contact Jackie Boubin at (303) 623-6328 or