USDA Seeking Your Farm Bill Input
Published: Sep 10, 2013
The debate in Washington over the Farm Bill has many players, but Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack feels that one constituent group is underrepresented: American agriculture. For that reason, he is asking the agricultural community to weigh in on the discussion.
Following is a link to Secretary Vilsack’s remarks in which he invites contributions via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, blog or email to help tell the important story of what the Food, Farm and Jobs Bill means to Americans and American agricultural communities. He is requesting that people use the Twitter hashtag #MyFarmBill to help share the message.
Following is a link to Secretary Vilsack’s remarks in which he invites contributions via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, blog or email to help tell the important story of what the Food, Farm and Jobs Bill means to Americans and American agricultural communities. He is requesting that people use the Twitter hashtag #MyFarmBill to help share the message.