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USDA News | New Product List Update Procedure For EV Program Participants | S...

Published: Apr 12, 2007


New Product List Update Procedure For EV Program Participants

Suppliers participating in export verification (EV) programs need to follow new steps to update approved product lists, which identify eligible product items intended for shipment.

Effective today (April 12), product lists must be submitted using the approved Microsoft Excel template. Updates to approved product lists must be made in accordance with the new procedure, EV Program Updating Approved Product Lists (PDF file).

The process for reviewing approved product lists has also changed, as lists now will be returned in a password-protected format. Password protection protects the integrity of the list by ensuring ineligible items are not added accidentally.

To make changes, add or remove products/countries at the bottom of the approved product list since empty cells will not be password protected. New additions and changes need to be inserted in red text and any items to be deleted must be typed at the bottom of the list using the strike-through feature. Detailed instructions are included in the document, EV Program Updating Approved Product Lists (PDF file).  

These changes were implemented for protection and to speed up the list review process. If you have any questions, contact the USDA ARC Branch office.

EV Programs
100 Riverside Parkway, Suite 135
Fredericksburg, VA 22406
Fax: (202) 354-5207


New Product List Update Procedure For EV Program Participants

Suppliers participating in export verification (EV) programs need to follow new steps to update approved product lists, which identify eligible product items intended for shipment.

Effective today (April 12), product lists must be submitted using the approved Microsoft Excel template. Updates to approved product lists must be made in accordance with the new procedure, EV Program Updating Approved Product Lists (PDF file).

The process for reviewing approved product lists has also changed, as lists now will be returned in a password-protected format. Password protection protects the integrity of the list by ensuring ineligible items are not added accidentally.

To make changes, add or remove products/countries at the bottom of the approved product list since empty cells will not be password protected. New additions and changes need to be inserted in red text and any items to be deleted must be typed at the bottom of the list using the strike-through feature. Detailed instructions are included in the document, EV Program Updating Approved Product Lists (PDF file).  

These changes were implemented for protection and to speed up the list review process. If you have any questions, contact the USDA ARC Branch office.

EV Programs
100 Riverside Parkway, Suite 135
Fredericksburg, VA 22406
Fax: (202) 354-5207