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USDA News | AMS ARC Branch Identifies New Items Affecting U.S. Meat Producer...

Published: Nov 28, 2007


AMS ARC Branch Identifies New Items Affecting U.S. Meat Producers

AMS Audit, Review and Compliance (ARC) branch today (Nov. 28) identified during an industry call three new or modified items that affect U.S. meat producers, processors and exporters.

About a month ago, USDA announced as of Jan. 1, 2008 back verification would no longer be used as a means for compliance for age verification. As of Jan. 1, 2008, all animals would have to be qualified at premise of birth to participate in the USDA age verified program. Today, the ARC branch said the implementation date of Jan. 1 has been postponed indefinitely while they conduct further investigation and back verification can be used to qualify cattle for age verification until further notice. The procedures have not been changed and information can be obtained at the Question and Answer section of the ARC branch site.

The ARC branch also announced the new USDA Processed Verified Never Ever 3 Program for producers to participate in if their animals are given no antibiotics, no growth promotants and no animal by-products (mammalian or avian). For more information on this program, see Never Ever 3 (PDF) at

Additionally, USDA is seeking comments on a proposed voluntary standard for a naturally raised marketing claim for livestock and meat. The proposed standard will establish the minimum requirements for those producers who choose to operate a USDA verified program involving a naturally raised claim. Copies of the notice are available at Comments must be received on or before Jan. 28, 2008, and should be submitted through the Web site at All comments should reference docket number LS-07-16. 


AMS ARC Branch Identifies New Items Affecting U.S. Meat Producers

AMS Audit, Review and Compliance (ARC) branch today (Nov. 28) identified during an industry call three new or modified items that affect U.S. meat producers, processors and exporters.

About a month ago, USDA announced as of Jan. 1, 2008 back verification would no longer be used as a means for compliance for age verification. As of Jan. 1, 2008, all animals would have to be qualified at premise of birth to participate in the USDA age verified program. Today, the ARC branch said the implementation date of Jan. 1 has been postponed indefinitely while they conduct further investigation and back verification can be used to qualify cattle for age verification until further notice. The procedures have not been changed and information can be obtained at the Question and Answer section of the ARC branch site.

The ARC branch also announced the new USDA Processed Verified Never Ever 3 Program for producers to participate in if their animals are given no antibiotics, no growth promotants and no animal by-products (mammalian or avian). For more information on this program, see Never Ever 3 (PDF) at

Additionally, USDA is seeking comments on a proposed voluntary standard for a naturally raised marketing claim for livestock and meat. The proposed standard will establish the minimum requirements for those producers who choose to operate a USDA verified program involving a naturally raised claim. Copies of the notice are available at Comments must be received on or before Jan. 28, 2008, and should be submitted through the Web site at All comments should reference docket number LS-07-16.