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USDA News                                  ...

Published: Oct 07, 2005

USDA News                                                                                  

Notice Clarifies Inspection Activities

The Food Safety And Inspection Service (FSIS) has issued a notice — FSIS Notice 68-05 - Verification Activities at Establishments that Transport or Receive Cattle Carcasses or Parts with Vertebral Columns that Contain Specified Risk Materials (SRMs) — to clarify the verification activities that inspection program personnel are to conduct at establishments that transport or receive cattle carcasses or parts that contain vertebral columns from cattle that were 30 months of age and older at the time of slaughter, or from cattle whose age at the time of slaughter cannot be determined.

A copy of this information can be read online.

USDA News                                                                                  

Notice Clarifies Inspection Activities

The Food Safety And Inspection Service (FSIS) has issued a notice — FSIS Notice 68-05 - Verification Activities at Establishments that Transport or Receive Cattle Carcasses or Parts with Vertebral Columns that Contain Specified Risk Materials (SRMs) — to clarify the verification activities that inspection program personnel are to conduct at establishments that transport or receive cattle carcasses or parts that contain vertebral columns from cattle that were 30 months of age and older at the time of slaughter, or from cattle whose age at the time of slaughter cannot be determined.

A copy of this information can be read online.