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United States | USDA Withdraws Proposed Import Rule Allowing Canadian Cattle ...

Published: Jul 28, 2006

United States

USDA Withdraws Proposed Import Rule Allowing Canadian Cattle Of All Ages

USDA withdrew a proposed rule Thursday (July 27) that would have allowed imports of Canadian cattle regardless of age. Currently, only cattle under 30 months of age are allowed into the United States.

The proposed rule was on a schedule to be open for public comment in September. The rule possibly could be rewritten or resubmitted by USDA following the investigation of the latest bovine spongiform encephalopathy case in Canada, announced July 13.

United States

USDA Withdraws Proposed Import Rule Allowing Canadian Cattle Of All Ages

USDA withdrew a proposed rule Thursday (July 27) that would have allowed imports of Canadian cattle regardless of age. Currently, only cattle under 30 months of age are allowed into the United States.

The proposed rule was on a schedule to be open for public comment in September. The rule possibly could be rewritten or resubmitted by USDA following the investigation of the latest bovine spongiform encephalopathy case in Canada, announced July 13.