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United States | USDA Announces Non-Definitive BSE Test Result | Dr. John Clif...

Published: Jul 27, 2005

United States

USDA Announces Non-Definitive BSE Test Result

Dr. John Clifford, Deputy Administrator Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced today the expanded BSE testing program has identified an non-definitive BSE test result.

The animal in question is at least a 12-year-old cow born prior to the feed ban that did not enter the human or animal food supply. The sample was collected in April 2005 by a private veterinarian who treated the sample with a preservative and then forgot to send it to USDA for testing.

As part of its enhanced surveillance program, USDA utilizes accredited private veterinarians who often visit remote farms to collect samples.

USDA received the sample yesterday and tested it at the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa using the immunohisotchemistry (IHC) test that produced a non-definitive result.

Samples will be further examined using the IHC test at NVSL and OIE International Reference Laboratory at Weybridge, England. The BioRad rapid screening test and the Western blot test cannot be used on a sample that has been preserved.

USDA will announce test results as soon as they are known, which could be next week.

For more information, see the USDA press release.


FSIS Cannot Sign Export Documents For U.S. Pork And Pork Products 

FSIS is unable to sign export documents for U.S. pork to Chile since certification of pork and pork products is being developed. For more information, see the Documentation Requirements section of the FSIS Export Requirements for Chile.

United States

USDA Announces Non-Definitive BSE Test Result

Dr. John Clifford, Deputy Administrator Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced today the expanded BSE testing program has identified an non-definitive BSE test result.

The animal in question is at least a 12-year-old cow born prior to the feed ban that did not enter the human or animal food supply. The sample was collected in April 2005 by a private veterinarian who treated the sample with a preservative and then forgot to send it to USDA for testing.

As part of its enhanced surveillance program, USDA utilizes accredited private veterinarians who often visit remote farms to collect samples.

USDA received the sample yesterday and tested it at the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa using the immunohisotchemistry (IHC) test that produced a non-definitive result.

Samples will be further examined using the IHC test at NVSL and OIE International Reference Laboratory at Weybridge, England. The BioRad rapid screening test and the Western blot test cannot be used on a sample that has been preserved.

USDA will announce test results as soon as they are known, which could be next week.

For more information, see the USDA press release.


FSIS Cannot Sign Export Documents For U.S. Pork And Pork Products 

FSIS is unable to sign export documents for U.S. pork to Chile since certification of pork and pork products is being developed. For more information, see the Documentation Requirements section of the FSIS Export Requirements for Chile.