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U.S. Beef Road Show Returns to Europe

Published: Feb 01, 2022
USMEF executive chef trains restaurateurs, distributors and influencers on cost-effective applications of affordable U.S. beef cuts in local cuisines

After a 20-month long hiatus due to COVID protocols, in-person beef training events returned to Europe in December featuring USMEF expertise and cuisine from Mexico.

USMEF Mexico Executive Chef German Navarrete traveled to Latvia, Lithuania and Poland at the invitation of USMEF Europe representative Yuri Barutkin, to host master classes on U.S. beef preparation for restaurateurs, distributors and social media influencers. The events were designed to highlight the nutrition, versatility and affordability of U.S. beef. USMEF partnered with Reaton in the Baltics and Tender Meat in Poland, with funding support from USDA and the Beef Checkoff Program, to bring about the return of the U.S. Beef Road Show.

USMEF Mexico Executive Chef German Navarrete and social media influencer Kacper Salzman demonstrate U.S. beef preparation in Poland.

In Warsaw, Poland, the focus expanded to include food journalists and social media influencers who were given a chance to sample a variety of cuts and preparations. In southern Poland, the NaGrillu Academy in Katowice hosted a grilling masterclass that was streamed live on various platforms and viewed by some 10,000 enthusiasts.

“The USA Beef Road Show illustrated USMEF’s commitment to grow restaurant and retail businesses around the world utilizing U.S. beef,” Barutkin said.