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South Korea | South Korea “Announcement” Slated June 7 | South Korea Mi...

Published: May 30, 2006

South Korea

South Korea “Announcement” Slated June 7

South Korea Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Director Park Hyunchul said today his government will announce next Wednesday (June 7) the results of its audit of U.S. beef industry facilities. Reports circulating in the United States speculated that this announcement could mean the resumption of U.S. beef imports the same day.

USMEF is monitoring this situation and will update members with new information as it becomes available.

South Korean officials recently completed a two-week long inspection tour of U.S. beef processing and packing facilities to ensure they were following export verification program procedures specific to their country.

South Korea banned U.S. beef in December 2003 following the announcement of the first U.S. case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

South Korea agreed in January to accept imports of U.S. boneless beef from cattle less than 30 months old.

Prior to the BSE ban in 2003, South Korea was the third-largest export market for U.S. beef and beef variety meat exports, with a volume of 246,953 metric tons valued at $815.7 million.

South Korea

South Korea “Announcement” Slated June 7

South Korea Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Director Park Hyunchul said today his government will announce next Wednesday (June 7) the results of its audit of U.S. beef industry facilities. Reports circulating in the United States speculated that this announcement could mean the resumption of U.S. beef imports the same day.

USMEF is monitoring this situation and will update members with new information as it becomes available.

South Korean officials recently completed a two-week long inspection tour of U.S. beef processing and packing facilities to ensure they were following export verification program procedures specific to their country.

South Korea banned U.S. beef in December 2003 following the announcement of the first U.S. case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

South Korea agreed in January to accept imports of U.S. boneless beef from cattle less than 30 months old.

Prior to the BSE ban in 2003, South Korea was the third-largest export market for U.S. beef and beef variety meat exports, with a volume of 246,953 metric tons valued at $815.7 million.