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Sign Up Now for USMEF Market Expo to Dubai & Milan

Published: Dec 04, 2013
The annual USMEF Market Expo is carefully crafted to show team members how their checkoff dollars are invested and to give them an understanding of USMEF’s marketing programs and strategies to increase red meat exports. The 2014 USMEF Market Expo will visit Dubai and Milan, Feb. 22-March 1, 2014.

Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and Milan, one of the great Renaissance and industrial cities of Italy, will provide diverse settings for this information-packed visit. Participants will meet with importers and meat processors and tour retail stores, restaurants and processing facilities as they experience firsthand the business climate and culture of Italy and the Middle East. Included is attendance at Gulfood, the world’s largest annual food and hospitality show, which is held in Dubai. In Milan, participants will visit one of the largest meat processors, distributors and food service leaders in Europe.

The EU’s 28 nations and more than 500 million people are a growing high-value market for U.S. red meat exports. The value of both beef and pork exports to the EU are up by double-digits thus far in 2013.

The Middle East region, spanning 17 countries, has a population in excess of 400 million people with an increasing demand for protein and a taste for grain-fed beef. With 336 million pounds of U.S. beef exported at a value of $331 million in 2012, the region is our fourth-largest beef volume market.

In addition to the scheduled visits, participants will have time to gain insight into these vibrant cultures through visits to landmarks and opportunities to sample local cuisine.

Registration is now open on a first-come, first-reserved basis, and participation is limited to the first 15 registrants. Discounted registration will be offered through Monday, Jan. 6. Payment must accompany registration forms and no places may be “held” without it.

Consult the online brochure and registration form for more details. Questions? Contact Jackie Boubin at (303) 623-6328 or