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South Africa Seminar Buyers Reception

Published: Jun 10, 2016
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South Africa Seminar & Buyers Reception When: Thursday, August 18, 2016
Where: Langham Lifestyle Estate
Johannesburg, South Africa
Full agenda and other details available soon. RSVP to: For more information, contact: To reserve your accommodations, fill out this form and email it to South Africa
  • Area: 470,693 square miles
  • Population: 51,770,560
  • Agriculture: 81.6% of total land area
  • Arable land: 12.1% of total
  • Irrigated land: 10.15% of arable land
  • Currency: Rand
  • GDP: 25th largest in the world
  • Labor force (July 2015): 15.7 million people employed