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Regarding a notice claiming to come from USMEF

Published: Oct 05, 2017
If you received an email with the following content, please disregard and delete without clicking on any links. This email is not from USMEF.

Dear Members and associates,

This is to inform all members and associates of the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) about the new policy and regulations that was issued by the U.S state department on meat and dairy exportation.

It is mandatory that all company, organization and profitable entities shall adhere to this law and maintain standards of conduct in accordance to this policy.

CLICK HERE to view the new policy and regulations. OR see attachment.

Phillip Seng,

President & CEO

U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF)

1660 Lincoln Street, Suite 2800,

Denver, CO 80264

Tel: 303-623-MEAT (6328)

Fax: 303-623-0297
