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Product Showcase Brings Buyers To Sellers | "A great opportunity to get...

Published: Aug 29, 2003

Product Showcase Brings Buyers To Sellers

"A great opportunity to get our company’s products in front of motivated, overseas buyers," a food-service company representative told USMEF staff in Tampa last week. One new USMEF member told staff that he plans to participate in next year’s Product Showcase after seeing the number and range of quality buyers. USMEF brought about 150 members of buyer teams from around the world to the Product Showcase at the USMEF Board of Directors Meeting & International Buyers Conference, and member comments had the recurring theme that these attendees were serious buyers:

"In other shows you have to contend with sifting through the general public or trade people not necessarily interested in importing meat. Everyone here was an imported meat buyer."

"USMEF provided a forum. I got my foot in the door. Now it’s up to me."

The exhibitors displayed a wide range of profits from variety meats such as stomachs and tripe, to branded, processed items such as sausages and hot dogs. If you want more details on this or future Product Showcases, call Jackie Boubin at (303) 623-6328.

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