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New Order Form for Bilingual Edition of Meat Buyers Guide Online

Published: Mar 29, 2011
USMEF and the National Association of Meat Processors (NAMP) have collaborated to produce a bilingual — English/Spanish — revised edition of the Meat Buyers Guide. This Guide is in addition to the English-only Meat Buyers Guide currently available. The revised Guide features side-by-side Spanish translations of the English text, clarified item descriptions, new photographs, new graphics and an expanded glossary. In a major strategic initiative, the scope of the new edition goes beyond the U.S. and Canada to include new information about federal government regulations in Mexico – in keeping with NAMP’s mission as a North American association.

NAMP has a new order form for both the English and the bilingual edition. Please indicate the exact address to which you want the books shipped. To receive this discount, complete the form and credit card information and fax it to Urner Barry Publishing Co. at (732) 341-0891.