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Mexico          | New Heavy Metals Testing Regimen Starts Saturday |...

Published: Oct 28, 2003


New Heavy Metals Testing Regimen Starts Saturday

On November 1, 2003, the Government of Mexico will begin sampling, testing, and holding 2 percent of all meat shipments until test results are known.  Samples will be tested for a variety of residues including heavy metals and antibiotics.  Mexican officials have indicated to the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), however, that the test and hold provisions of NOM 030 will not be adhered to in the event of a positive finding for heavy metals. Shipments that are sampled will be detained until the test results are known.

Full details are available in an FAS report online.


New Heavy Metals Testing Regimen Starts Saturday

On November 1, 2003, the Government of Mexico will begin sampling, testing, and holding 2 percent of all meat shipments until test results are known.  Samples will be tested for a variety of residues including heavy metals and antibiotics.  Mexican officials have indicated to the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), however, that the test and hold provisions of NOM 030 will not be adhered to in the event of a positive finding for heavy metals. Shipments that are sampled will be detained until the test results are known.

Full details are available in an FAS report online.