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Published: Aug 29, 2003


Five New Mexican Inspection Points Authorized And Ready

USMEF-Mexico reports that five new Mexican inspection facilities are authorized to go into operation for the October 10 deadline. Two facilities in Colombia, Nuevo Léon, and one each in Nuevo Laredo, Puerto Morelos and the Pacific Coast town of Manzanillo are ready to take over from north-of-the-border sites eliminated under a new Mexican law.

Six other sites — in Juarez, Colombia, Nuevo Laredo and three in Tijuana — are awaiting inspection by the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA).

A facility in Mexicali and two additional sites in Tijuana and Colombia are under construction.

The new Animal Health Law was published June 12 in the Mexican Government’s Daily Register and it is to be fully implemented by October 10. Current rules and regulations stay in effect until then.

Product going to federally inspected Mexican plants (TIF) will be inspected at the plant not at one of these new border verification points.

Additional details on the Verification Points and a list of TIF Plants. (Power Point Presentation)

Click for USMEF Annual Board of Directors Meeting Information and Registration Form; November 6-8, 2002 - Long Beach, California