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Published: Jan 17, 2006


Mexican Pork Group Appeals Ending Of Ham And Shoulder Antidumping Case

The Consejo Mexicano de Porcicultura (CMP) has filed an amparo (a legal move regarding the Constitutional Legality of a decision) against the final determination in the ham and shoulder dumping case against U.S. exporters.  The CMP case is based on a variety of issues, most dealing with the manner in which the Mexican ministry (Economia) interpreted trade and price data and the length of time in making a determination that the Mexican industry was not injured by importers from the United States.

There will be a hearing in February regarding the amparo filing.  The judge hearing this appeal is not under any specific timeframe to rule if the filing has merit or should be dismissed.  In the meantime, exports of hams and shoulders to Mexico will not be affected by the CMP filing.

USMEF, along with the American Meat Institute and the National Pork Producers Council, will file a Notice of Appearance regarding this action in order to maintain access to records filed with the court.


Mexican Pork Group Appeals Ending Of Ham And Shoulder Antidumping Case

The Consejo Mexicano de Porcicultura (CMP) has filed an amparo (a legal move regarding the Constitutional Legality of a decision) against the final determination in the ham and shoulder dumping case against U.S. exporters.  The CMP case is based on a variety of issues, most dealing with the manner in which the Mexican ministry (Economia) interpreted trade and price data and the length of time in making a determination that the Mexican industry was not injured by importers from the United States.

There will be a hearing in February regarding the amparo filing.  The judge hearing this appeal is not under any specific timeframe to rule if the filing has merit or should be dismissed.  In the meantime, exports of hams and shoulders to Mexico will not be affected by the CMP filing.

USMEF, along with the American Meat Institute and the National Pork Producers Council, will file a Notice of Appearance regarding this action in order to maintain access to records filed with the court.