Mexico Publishes New Levy For Inspection Costs
The new levy of 290 pesos per metric ton on imported meat approved by Mexico’s lower house of deputies on Oct. 28 and passed by the Senate on Nov. 11 was published in the Diario Oficial today (Dec.1). The fees will be charged starting Jan. 1, 2005, although legal challenges are possible. The money is to be paid into a fund to improve the border inspection infrastructure. [$1 = 11.5 pesos] The industry estimates the cost of the fees at $40 million annually.
Mexico Publishes New Levy For Inspection Costs
The new levy of 290 pesos per metric ton on imported meat approved by Mexico’s lower house of deputies on Oct. 28 and passed by the Senate on Nov. 11 was published in the Diario Oficial today (Dec.1). The fees will be charged starting Jan. 1, 2005, although legal challenges are possible. The money is to be paid into a fund to improve the border inspection infrastructure. [$1 = 11.5 pesos] The industry estimates the cost of the fees at $40 million annually.