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Japan | USMEF Cooking Events Put U.S. Pork On Holiday Menus | Leading chefs a...

Published: Dec 19, 2006


USMEF Cooking Events Put U.S. Pork On Holiday Menus

Leading chefs at two prestigious hotels recently introduced holiday menus that feature U.S. pork, assisted by USMEF. Holiday season U.S. pork cooking events hosted by USMEF at hotels in Osaka and Tokyo helped publicize the positive aspects of U.S. pork and educate consumers on its preparation and versatility.

The top-notch chefs at the two prominent hotels, as well as consumers who attended the events, had positive things to say about U.S. pork, according to USMEF Japan Director Greg Hanes. The cooking events were held at the Ritz Carlton Osaka Nov. 28 and the Akasaka Price Hotel in Tokyo Dec. 15.

Ritz Carlton Chef Imoto introduced three recipes: steamed pork with garden salad (made with U.S. pork belly), pan-fried pork with mashed potato and balsamic mustard sauce (made with U.S. pork tenderloin), and apple flavored pork stew with onion confit (made with U.S. pork loin). Akasaka Chef Fukui prepared six recipes using U.S. pork, including loin roast.

Seventy consumers and media representatives attended the Osaka event, while about 60 attended in Tokyo. Media from a trade journals and Osaka newspapers are expected to run articles about the event.  

The cooking events were promoted on the USMEF Japan Web site and in newspapers. There were more than 250 applicants for the 70 Osaka spots.


USMEF Cooking Events Put U.S. Pork On Holiday Menus

Leading chefs at two prestigious hotels recently introduced holiday menus that feature U.S. pork, assisted by USMEF. Holiday season U.S. pork cooking events hosted by USMEF at hotels in Osaka and Tokyo helped publicize the positive aspects of U.S. pork and educate consumers on its preparation and versatility.

The top-notch chefs at the two prominent hotels, as well as consumers who attended the events, had positive things to say about U.S. pork, according to USMEF Japan Director Greg Hanes. The cooking events were held at the Ritz Carlton Osaka Nov. 28 and the Akasaka Price Hotel in Tokyo Dec. 15.

Ritz Carlton Chef Imoto introduced three recipes: steamed pork with garden salad (made with U.S. pork belly), pan-fried pork with mashed potato and balsamic mustard sauce (made with U.S. pork tenderloin), and apple flavored pork stew with onion confit (made with U.S. pork loin). Akasaka Chef Fukui prepared six recipes using U.S. pork, including loin roast.

Seventy consumers and media representatives attended the Osaka event, while about 60 attended in Tokyo. Media from a trade journals and Osaka newspapers are expected to run articles about the event.  

The cooking events were promoted on the USMEF Japan Web site and in newspapers. There were more than 250 applicants for the 70 Osaka spots.