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Japan | Ads Featuring American Women Endorse U.S. Beef | To appeal to Japane...

Published: Feb 06, 2007


Ads Featuring American Women Endorse U.S. Beef

To appeal to Japanese women, who typically shop for and prepare meals for their families, USMEF developed a four-part advertisement campaign showing the careers and home life of American women who are actively involved in the U.S. beef industry. These ads endorse U.S. beef as a safe, wholesome and delicious product that is suitable to prepare for loved ones.

The ads, part of the USMEF “We Care” campaign to rebuild confidence in U.S. beef, feature Ann Marie Bosshamer from Nebraska Beef Council as a beef producer, Kendra Nightingale from Colorado State University as a food scientist, Julie Moore from Colorado Beef Council as a nutritionist/dietitian and Elise Wiggins from Panzano restaurant in Denver as a chef.

“The ads explain each woman’s view on the safety and quality of U.S. beef as well as the importance of food and nutrition so Japanese consumers can see the people and efforts involved in U.S. beef safety,” said USMEF Japan Director Greg Hanes.

The ads explain what the women do professionally to ensure U.S. beef is safe to consume and also show the women outside of their careers preparing or consuming U.S. beef with family and friends.

The first three ads ran in popular newspapers like Yomiuri Jan. 17-18, Jan. 24-25 and Jan. 28-29. The final ad will run Feb. 7, reaching a total of 83 million consumers. The ads are also available on the USMEF “We Care” Web site at

A Yomiuri Internet survey found more than an 80 percent ad awareness rate for the ads, compared to a typical awareness of 60 percent for the same size ad. The ad awareness rate increased for the second and third ads. Comments from survey respondents still show concerns about the safety of the U.S. beef, but were balanced by many positive comments about U.S. beef, the ads themselves and other USMEF efforts to communicate with Japanese consumers.


Ads Featuring American Women Endorse U.S. Beef

To appeal to Japanese women, who typically shop for and prepare meals for their families, USMEF developed a four-part advertisement campaign showing the careers and home life of American women who are actively involved in the U.S. beef industry. These ads endorse U.S. beef as a safe, wholesome and delicious product that is suitable to prepare for loved ones.

The ads, part of the USMEF “We Care” campaign to rebuild confidence in U.S. beef, feature Ann Marie Bosshamer from Nebraska Beef Council as a beef producer, Kendra Nightingale from Colorado State University as a food scientist, Julie Moore from Colorado Beef Council as a nutritionist/dietitian and Elise Wiggins from Panzano restaurant in Denver as a chef.

“The ads explain each woman’s view on the safety and quality of U.S. beef as well as the importance of food and nutrition so Japanese consumers can see the people and efforts involved in U.S. beef safety,” said USMEF Japan Director Greg Hanes.

The ads explain what the women do professionally to ensure U.S. beef is safe to consume and also show the women outside of their careers preparing or consuming U.S. beef with family and friends.

The first three ads ran in popular newspapers like Yomiuri Jan. 17-18, Jan. 24-25 and Jan. 28-29. The final ad will run Feb. 7, reaching a total of 83 million consumers. The ads are also available on the USMEF “We Care” Web site at

A Yomiuri Internet survey found more than an 80 percent ad awareness rate for the ads, compared to a typical awareness of 60 percent for the same size ad. The ad awareness rate increased for the second and third ads. Comments from survey respondents still show concerns about the safety of the U.S. beef, but were balanced by many positive comments about U.S. beef, the ads themselves and other USMEF efforts to communicate with Japanese consumers.