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Indonesian Market Status

Published: Jul 03, 2007


Many Questions Remain Regarding Official Visit

USMEF has been contacted several times recently by exporters regarding Indonesia.  Many exporters have been presented with a long questionnaire and asked to fill out the information prior to an upcoming visit by Indonesian officials; some have even been provided deadlines and actual dates for the upcoming inspections.

Last week, Indonesian officials met with USDA officials in Jakarta and provided a VERBAL acceptance for a trip to the U.S. and indicated that they wished to visit soon.  They also indicated that they would provide official written responses to the two letters to USDA.

While many of you have heard of firm and supposedly official dates for these upcoming visits, these dates are based on the verbal communication and USDA has indicated to USMEF that nothing is currently scheduled and nothing will be scheduled until the official written responses are received.  USMEF will keep exporters advised as to when the planned audits may take place once USDA received written communication from Indonesia.


Many Questions Remain Regarding Official Visit

USMEF has been contacted several times recently by exporters regarding Indonesia.  Many exporters have been presented with a long questionnaire and asked to fill out the information prior to an upcoming visit by Indonesian officials; some have even been provided deadlines and actual dates for the upcoming inspections.

Last week, Indonesian officials met with USDA officials in Jakarta and provided a VERBAL acceptance for a trip to the U.S. and indicated that they wished to visit soon.  They also indicated that they would provide official written responses to the two letters to USDA.

While many of you have heard of firm and supposedly official dates for these upcoming visits, these dates are based on the verbal communication and USDA has indicated to USMEF that nothing is currently scheduled and nothing will be scheduled until the official written responses are received.  USMEF will keep exporters advised as to when the planned audits may take place once USDA received written communication from Indonesia.