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Indonesia | FAS Negotiating With Indonesia To Clarify U.S. Beef Import Polic...

Published: Jul 01, 2005


FAS Negotiating With Indonesia To Clarify U.S. Beef Import Policy

The Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) is in discussions with the Ministry of Agriculture in Indonesia to clarify import rules to ensure U.S. beef products will be accepted through August 31. This will allow the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) to continue to issue export certificates.

FAS is also working toward ensuring the Ministry of Trade agrees to the import rules so product will be accepted by customs in Indonesia.

Unconfirmed news reports have created confusion on import guidelines. Indonesia officially banned U.S. beef Thursday (June 30). USMEF is in close contact with FAS to provide updates on this issue as they are known. 

BSE Update

FAS Working To Reopen Recently Closed U.S. Beef Markets

FAS is in daily contact with all countries recently closed to U.S. beef in effort to reopen those markets as soon as possible. Some countries are waiting for the results of the epidemiology investigation on the BSE case prior to making a decision. The date those results will be available is unknown. Countries that closed to U.S. beef since the second BSE case are Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, Romania, Tahiti, Belize, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and St. Lucia.


FAS Negotiating With Indonesia To Clarify U.S. Beef Import Policy

The Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) is in discussions with the Ministry of Agriculture in Indonesia to clarify import rules to ensure U.S. beef products will be accepted through August 31. This will allow the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) to continue to issue export certificates.

FAS is also working toward ensuring the Ministry of Trade agrees to the import rules so product will be accepted by customs in Indonesia.

Unconfirmed news reports have created confusion on import guidelines. Indonesia officially banned U.S. beef Thursday (June 30). USMEF is in close contact with FAS to provide updates on this issue as they are known. 

BSE Update

FAS Working To Reopen Recently Closed U.S. Beef Markets

FAS is in daily contact with all countries recently closed to U.S. beef in effort to reopen those markets as soon as possible. Some countries are waiting for the results of the epidemiology investigation on the BSE case prior to making a decision. The date those results will be available is unknown. Countries that closed to U.S. beef since the second BSE case are Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, Romania, Tahiti, Belize, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and St. Lucia.