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Hong Kong Allows Return Of U.S. Beef

Published: Dec 29, 2005

Hong Kong Allows Return Of U.S. Beef

Hong Kong’s Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced today (December 29) that it would resume processing applications for beef imports from the United States with immediate effect.

"After a thorough assessment and having satisfied ourselves with the enhanced control measures implemented by the United States against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease, we will partially lift the suspension of imports of US beef," a department spokesman said.

"At the initial stage, only boneless beef from cattle less than 30 months of age, with high risk materials such as brain and spinal cord removed during slaughtering, can be imported from designated establishments approved by the United States according to an agreed protocol. The import of each and every consignment of beef shall have the department's prior written permission and shall be accompanied by a health certificate.

"We will closely monitor the situation and review our import requirements as and when necessary," he said.

USDA-Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has the BEV for Hong Kong posted on its web site Plants that currently have QSA programs only need to submit an amendment for Hong Kong. Plants that do not have QSA programs will need to submit a QSA program with the Hong Kong criteria. All of this information is listed on the web site. USMEF Vice President Technical Services Paul Clayton stresses that plants need to be sure their BEV programs address each item in Section 4 of the BEV criteria. AMS will provide the Hong Kong government the list of approved plants and also post them on the AMS web site. Clayton recommends that plants watch the AMS web site for any changes to the BEV program.

The Food Safety and Inspection Service indicates it will attempt to have the information in the Export Library as soon as possible, hopefully today.

USMEF-Hong Kong is already initiating activities according to its plan for re-introducing U.S. beef to the market. Details will be available soon.

"We are extremely pleased with the reopening of another important market for U.S. beef exports and we anticipate that trade will quickly begin,” Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said in a statement released today. “I applaud the Hong Kong government for making trade decisions based on internationally accepted scientific standards. This is one more step toward normalized international beef trade that will also help further the close bilateral trade relationship of the United States and Hong Kong.” For the complete statement, go to


Hong Kong Allows Return Of U.S. Beef

Hong Kong’s Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced today (December 29) that it would resume processing applications for beef imports from the United States with immediate effect.

"After a thorough assessment and having satisfied ourselves with the enhanced control measures implemented by the United States against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad cow disease, we will partially lift the suspension of imports of US beef," a department spokesman said.

"At the initial stage, only boneless beef from cattle less than 30 months of age, with high risk materials such as brain and spinal cord removed during slaughtering, can be imported from designated establishments approved by the United States according to an agreed protocol. The import of each and every consignment of beef shall have the department's prior written permission and shall be accompanied by a health certificate.

"We will closely monitor the situation and review our import requirements as and when necessary," he said.

USDA-Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has the BEV for Hong Kong posted on its web site Plants that currently have QSA programs only need to submit an amendment for Hong Kong. Plants that do not have QSA programs will need to submit a QSA program with the Hong Kong criteria. All of this information is listed on the web site. USMEF Vice President Technical Services Paul Clayton stresses that plants need to be sure their BEV programs address each item in Section 4 of the BEV criteria. AMS will provide the Hong Kong government the list of approved plants and also post them on the AMS web site. Clayton recommends that plants watch the AMS web site for any changes to the BEV program.

The Food Safety and Inspection Service indicates it will attempt to have the information in the Export Library as soon as possible, hopefully today.

USMEF-Hong Kong is already initiating activities according to its plan for re-introducing U.S. beef to the market. Details will be available soon.

"We are extremely pleased with the reopening of another important market for U.S. beef exports and we anticipate that trade will quickly begin,” Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said in a statement released today. “I applaud the Hong Kong government for making trade decisions based on internationally accepted scientific standards. This is one more step toward normalized international beef trade that will also help further the close bilateral trade relationship of the United States and Hong Kong.” For the complete statement, go to