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Extension of Current-Year Funding up for Approval in September

Published: Aug 03, 2012
Earlier this week, the administration and Congress agreed on a fiscal year 2013 Continuing Resolution that will provide funding for the federal government, including the USDA and related agencies, through March 31, 2013. Overall funding is expected to be slightly above the current fiscal 2012 level, and is the same level agreed to in last summer’s debt limit deal. As a result, under the agreement funding for the Market Access Program (MAP) and the Foreign Market Development (FMD) program will continue to be set at $200 million and $34.5 million respectively. However, Congress also will need to take action on a Farm Bill authorizing USDA to spend these appropriated funds before the current bill expires on Sept. 30 in order for FAS to allocate fiscal 2013 funding to USMEF and other program participants. The House and Senate are expected to approve the Continuing Resolution in September, after the August recess and before the beginning of the new fiscal year on Oct. 1.

Farm Bill The Senate approved its version of the 2012 Farm Bill (S. 3240) in June, and the House Agriculture Committee reported its version (H.R 6083) in early July. Both bills authorize annual funding of $200 million for MAP and $34.5 million for FMD.

The House this week postponed consideration of a one-year extension of the current 2008 Farm Bill, approving instead only legislation providing funding for drought disaster assistance. At this point, it is uncertain whether the House will attempt to pass a new Farm Bill in September or an extension of the current Farm Bill, but after Congress returns from the August recess, there will be only three weeks left until the 2008 Farm Bill expires on Sept. 30.

During the August recess, it is extremely important for members of both houses of Congress to be reminded of the job-creation benefits provided through the MAP and FMD programs, in addition to the return on investment that these programs provide in a highly competitive global marketplace. We greatly appreciate your continued outreach to your Congressional representatives, and we would be happy to answer any questions you have about the process or the benefits to red meat exports of these two vitally important programs.