EV Program Revisions Now Available for Beef Exports to Taiwan
EV Program Revisions Now Available for Beef Exports to Taiwan
In light of the expanded beef trade protocol for Taiwan announced earlier today, the USDA Less than 30 Months (LT30) Age-Verification Quality System Assessment (QSA) Program for Korea and Taiwan, and the Draft ARC 1030D Procedure, EV Program for Taiwan have been revised.
At the request of U.S. exporters of beef and beef products, USDA has established a new Quality System Assessment (QSA) Program for Taiwanese importers. This is the most effective way to verify that product from eligible plants will be derived from cattle less than 30 months of age. The QSA program will be implemented when the new protocol for Taiwan comes into force. Information on this program can be found online.
Also available online is information on the Draft ARC 1030D Procedure, EV Program for Taiwan. Exporters should note that the new 1030D program is also on the AMS page, even though the current 1030D is still in place. While the specific date for using the revised 1030D procedure is not yet known, there are a few points to remember:
- The new Draft 1030D procedure will only be applicable to product derived from cattle slaughtered on or after the still undetermined implementation date. Product produced after this date will not be required to go through the SOV process.
- Product produced under the current 1030D program still has to meet the requirements until the specific slaughter date is specified and a facility is operating under an approved revised 1030D procedure; meaning that until that slaughter date arrives, product for Taiwan has to meet the requirements of the current 1030D, such as product must be boneless, an SOV is required and offals are not allowed.
Essentially, the EV program for Taiwan specifies the following:
- Products exported to Taiwan must be derived from animals that either:
- Originated in the U.S.;
- Were in the U.S. for 100 days prior to slaughter; or
- Comply with Taiwan’s import regulations, such as is the case with direct slaughter cattle from Canada
For example:
- Product derived from cattle imported for direct slaughter from Canada or in the U.S. for less then 100 days must meet the export requirements from Canada to Taiwan; must be boneless and from cattle less then 30 months of age
- Product derived from cattle imported from Canada or Mexico and in the U.S. for at least 100 days is eligible for export to Taiwan and is considered U.S. product
- Product derived from cattle imported for direct slaughter from Mexico or in the U.S. for less then 100 days cannot be exported to Taiwan
If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Smith at 303-623-6328 or ksmith@usmef.org.
EV Program Revisions Now Available for Beef Exports to Taiwan
In light of the expanded beef trade protocol for Taiwan announced earlier today, the USDA Less than 30 Months (LT30) Age-Verification Quality System Assessment (QSA) Program for Korea and Taiwan, and the Draft ARC 1030D Procedure, EV Program for Taiwan have been revised.
At the request of U.S. exporters of beef and beef products, USDA has established a new Quality System Assessment (QSA) Program for Taiwanese importers. This is the most effective way to verify that product from eligible plants will be derived from cattle less than 30 months of age. The QSA program will be implemented when the new protocol for Taiwan comes into force. Information on this program can be found online.
Also available online is information on the Draft ARC 1030D Procedure, EV Program for Taiwan. Exporters should note that the new 1030D program is also on the AMS page, even though the current 1030D is still in place. While the specific date for using the revised 1030D procedure is not yet known, there are a few points to remember:
- The new Draft 1030D procedure will only be applicable to product derived from cattle slaughtered on or after the still undetermined implementation date. Product produced after this date will not be required to go through the SOV process.
- Product produced under the current 1030D program still has to meet the requirements until the specific slaughter date is specified and a facility is operating under an approved revised 1030D procedure; meaning that until that slaughter date arrives, product for Taiwan has to meet the requirements of the current 1030D, such as product must be boneless, an SOV is required and offals are not allowed.
Essentially, the EV program for Taiwan specifies the following:
- Products exported to Taiwan must be derived from animals that either:
- Originated in the U.S.;
- Were in the U.S. for 100 days prior to slaughter; or
- Comply with Taiwan’s import regulations, such as is the case with direct slaughter cattle from Canada
For example:
- Product derived from cattle imported for direct slaughter from Canada or in the U.S. for less then 100 days must meet the export requirements from Canada to Taiwan; must be boneless and from cattle less then 30 months of age
- Product derived from cattle imported from Canada or Mexico and in the U.S. for at least 100 days is eligible for export to Taiwan and is considered U.S. product
- Product derived from cattle imported for direct slaughter from Mexico or in the U.S. for less then 100 days cannot be exported to Taiwan
If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Smith at 303-623-6328 or ksmith@usmef.org.