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EuropeanUnion                                ...

Published: Apr 19, 2005


New Checklist Published By FSIS

The Food Safety And Inspection Service (FSIS) has published Export Notice 2005-2, a Checklist for Verification of European Union Export Requirements, which applies to all plants seeking approval to export meat and meat products to the EU. The first checklist for all currently approved establishments must be completed this month. For additional information, go to:, Section XVI. Compliance Oversight by FSIS.


New Checklist Published By FSIS

The Food Safety And Inspection Service (FSIS) has published Export Notice 2005-2, a Checklist for Verification of European Union Export Requirements, which applies to all plants seeking approval to export meat and meat products to the EU. The first checklist for all currently approved establishments must be completed this month. For additional information, go to:, Section XVI. Compliance Oversight by FSIS.