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Europe | British pig farmers roast toys plan | LONDON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Eng...

Published: Aug 29, 2003



British pig farmers roast toys plan

LONDON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - England's farmers must keep their pigs happy with toys and straw or face a big fine, the government said on Wednesday.


EU Foreign Ministers OK Offer for WTO Ag Trade Talks
European Union (EU) foreign ministers today approved plans to call for a cut of 36% in tariffs on agricultural goods as their offer for the trade talks under the World Trade Organization (WTO). The EU will now submit the offer to the WTO as part of an upcoming round of global trade negotiations.


Russia Said to Move Forward on Some Meat Import Quotas
Reports indicate that Russia has now moved forward with its plans to place quotas on imports of pork beef and poultry, with some reports indicating that the new limits would go in place for poultry at the end of April, but not yet for pork and beef.


Quotas a Matter of 'National Security'
The government's decision to slash meat imports was a put down as a national security measure.




Major study shows no link between meat eating, higher breast cancer risk

While it has been hypothesized for years that meat consumption is associated with breast cancer, a new study from Brigham and Women's Hospital provides "compelling evidence" that diets high in animal protein may not be significantly associated with breast cancer risk, according to a news release.

Texas groups want to keep horse meat off dinner tables 
In 1949 the war was over, food was scarce and unscrupulous butchers were selling unsuspecting customers horse meat instead of beef.

Judge removes hurdle to potential sale of Farmland's beef, pork business
Can hire an investment banker to handle any sale of the bankrupt agricultural cooperative's meat business, a judge ruled Tuesday.