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Clembuterol Scare In Domestic Product Hits U.S. Beef Livers | USMEF-Mexico re...

Published: Aug 29, 2003

Clembuterol Scare In Domestic Product
Hits U.S. Beef Livers

USMEF-Mexico reports that sales of U.S. beef livers have decreased drastically on clembuterol fears provoked by traces of the banned chemical found in domestic livers. USMEF recommends exporters sell beef products other than livers until the situation improves.

In March, the Mexican government said its health inspectors would check to ensure farmers are not using clenbuterol to fatten their beef livestock. Users of clenbuterol face fines of up to 1.3 million pesos ($140,000).

Even residues of clenbuterol left after slaughter can be harmful to people, causing increased heart rate and blood pressure and muscle tremors. Clenbuterol is prohibited in the United States for use on livestock.

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