Changes to EU Regulations Require Exporter Attention
USMEF members exporting to the European Union (EU) should refer to the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service Web site for changes in the regulations on March 16, March 17 and March 26.
March 25, 2009: On January 1, 2009, new EU regulations went into effect for the production, control, and labeling of organic products. Other provisions take effect on July 1, 2010. The USDA understands that to be eligible for export to the EU as organic, products certified on or after January 1, 2009, must meet the requirements of the new regulations.
At this time, the Audit, Review and Compliance (ARC) Branch continues to work with the EU to address importation issues. We hope to have additional information soon. For questions or additional information, please contact Samantha Simon at 540-361-7640 x103 or
March 17, 2009: The ARC Branch has revised ARC 1030X Procedure, EV Program for SRM-Free Bovine Inedible Raw Materials. The revision includes requirements for the European Union. Information about this program is available on the LS Bovine EV Programs Web site. Companies interested in submitting an EV Program for SRM-Free Bovine Inedible Raw Materials must contact the ARC Branch.
March 16, 2009: The ARC Branch has updated the Official Listing of Approved Companies to the Livestock Feeding Claims Audit Program.
Meat and meat products derived from animals produced under this program are eligible for certification by FSIS for export to the EU and Switzerland as High Quality Beef or Bison. These products do not require an AMS Statement of Verification (SOV).
Information about this program is available at the Livestock Feeding Claims Audit Program Web site. Companies interested in submitting a Livestock Feeding Claims Audit Program should contact the ARC Branch.
USMEF members exporting to the European Union (EU) should refer to the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service Web site for changes in the regulations on March 16, March 17 and March 26.
March 25, 2009: On January 1, 2009, new EU regulations went into effect for the production, control, and labeling of organic products. Other provisions take effect on July 1, 2010. The USDA understands that to be eligible for export to the EU as organic, products certified on or after January 1, 2009, must meet the requirements of the new regulations.
At this time, the Audit, Review and Compliance (ARC) Branch continues to work with the EU to address importation issues. We hope to have additional information soon. For questions or additional information, please contact Samantha Simon at 540-361-7640 x103 or
March 17, 2009: The ARC Branch has revised ARC 1030X Procedure, EV Program for SRM-Free Bovine Inedible Raw Materials. The revision includes requirements for the European Union. Information about this program is available on the LS Bovine EV Programs Web site. Companies interested in submitting an EV Program for SRM-Free Bovine Inedible Raw Materials must contact the ARC Branch.
March 16, 2009: The ARC Branch has updated the Official Listing of Approved Companies to the Livestock Feeding Claims Audit Program.
Meat and meat products derived from animals produced under this program are eligible for certification by FSIS for export to the EU and Switzerland as High Quality Beef or Bison. These products do not require an AMS Statement of Verification (SOV).
Information about this program is available at the Livestock Feeding Claims Audit Program Web site. Companies interested in submitting a Livestock Feeding Claims Audit Program should contact the ARC Branch.