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Change In Export Requirements For Mexico And Japan

Published: Apr 16, 2008

Change In Export Requirements For Mexico And Japan

New requirements for exports to Mexico of processed pork and pork hams with cheese or other dairy products have been added to the FSIS Export Library.  Five statements are required in the Remarks section of FSIS Form 9060-5 or on FSIS Letterhead. See the Mexico Export Requirements for details.

Japan has updated the "Eligible Plant List for Export of Natural Casings and Meat Products Using Natural Ruminant Casings to Japan."  

Office Of Policy And Program Development Changes Contact Procedures

USMEF members should be aware of recent changes in the Food Safety & Inspection Service’s (FSIS) Office of Policy and Program Development (OPPD), formerly the Technical Service Center, particularly how to contact it. The OPPD’s toll-free number (1-800-233-3935) has a new menu, and the FSIS would like to remind callers that:

  • The OPPD Labeling and Program Delivery Division (LPDD) in Washington, D.C., responds to questions concerning labeling, standards of identity and use of ingredients
  • The OPPD Risk Management Division (RMD) in Washington, D.C., responds to questions regarding sampling programs and sampling methods 
  • Telephone calls regarding international inspection policies related to the export of meat, poultry and egg products are answered by the Office of International Affairs (OIA).  OIA export staff officers are located at the Omaha facility to answer questions from field personnel and industry related to the export library, interpretation of country requirements, veterinary agreements and plant approval. Please follow the appropriate menu options. 
  • Telephone calls regarding international policies related to the import of meat, poultry and egg products need to be directed to the OIA import staff in Washington, D.C., at (202) 720-9904.

More information is available online.

Industry News

Agriculture Transportation Coalition Says Container And Space Availability Is Worsening

The Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AgTC) reports that the container and space availability crisis is getting worse, and is projected to deteriorate further over the coming months while agricultural exports increase and consumer imports decrease. The coalition is calling a meeting in Washington, D.C., on Monday at 10 a.m., for all its member companies and trade associations with Washington, D.C., representatives. AgTC members not in Washington can call in. AgTC wants  congressional hearings on the issue.

AgTC’s complete assessment of the issue is online along with a Wall Street Journal article

Change In Export Requirements For Mexico And Japan

New requirements for exports to Mexico of processed pork and pork hams with cheese or other dairy products have been added to the FSIS Export Library.  Five statements are required in the Remarks section of FSIS Form 9060-5 or on FSIS Letterhead. See the Mexico Export Requirements for details.

Japan has updated the "Eligible Plant List for Export of Natural Casings and Meat Products Using Natural Ruminant Casings to Japan."  

Office Of Policy And Program Development Changes Contact Procedures

USMEF members should be aware of recent changes in the Food Safety & Inspection Service’s (FSIS) Office of Policy and Program Development (OPPD), formerly the Technical Service Center, particularly how to contact it. The OPPD’s toll-free number (1-800-233-3935) has a new menu, and the FSIS would like to remind callers that:

  • The OPPD Labeling and Program Delivery Division (LPDD) in Washington, D.C., responds to questions concerning labeling, standards of identity and use of ingredients
  • The OPPD Risk Management Division (RMD) in Washington, D.C., responds to questions regarding sampling programs and sampling methods 
  • Telephone calls regarding international inspection policies related to the export of meat, poultry and egg products are answered by the Office of International Affairs (OIA).  OIA export staff officers are located at the Omaha facility to answer questions from field personnel and industry related to the export library, interpretation of country requirements, veterinary agreements and plant approval. Please follow the appropriate menu options. 
  • Telephone calls regarding international policies related to the import of meat, poultry and egg products need to be directed to the OIA import staff in Washington, D.C., at (202) 720-9904.

More information is available online.

Industry News

Agriculture Transportation Coalition Says Container And Space Availability Is Worsening

The Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AgTC) reports that the container and space availability crisis is getting worse, and is projected to deteriorate further over the coming months while agricultural exports increase and consumer imports decrease. The coalition is calling a meeting in Washington, D.C., on Monday at 10 a.m., for all its member companies and trade associations with Washington, D.C., representatives. AgTC members not in Washington can call in. AgTC wants  congressional hearings on the issue.

AgTC’s complete assessment of the issue is online along with a Wall Street Journal article