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BSE Information                               ...

Published: Jun 03, 2004

BSE Information                                                                       

USMEF CD On BSE Should Prove Enlightening

To view a USMEF video on the measures taken by the U.S. government and industry in response to the one BSE case in the United States, click on the USMEF03-08 shortcut on the new USMEF CD available from the Denver headquarters.

The CD also includes a PowerPoint slide show with all the information you’ll ever need to know about BSE from its discovery in England in 1986 to the measures taken by the USDA since a case surfaced in Washington State in a Canadian-born cow.

Click on the U.S. Response to BSE file to gain access to the 100 slides of information on what markets are open to U.S. beef, specific risk materials, consumer reaction and much more. For a copy of this invaluable aid to understanding this complex issue, send your mailing address and phone number on an e-mail entitled BSE CD to Molly Penn at

BSE Information                                                                       

USMEF CD On BSE Should Prove Enlightening

To view a USMEF video on the measures taken by the U.S. government and industry in response to the one BSE case in the United States, click on the USMEF03-08 shortcut on the new USMEF CD available from the Denver headquarters.

The CD also includes a PowerPoint slide show with all the information you’ll ever need to know about BSE from its discovery in England in 1986 to the measures taken by the USDA since a case surfaced in Washington State in a Canadian-born cow.

Click on the U.S. Response to BSE file to gain access to the 100 slides of information on what markets are open to U.S. beef, specific risk materials, consumer reaction and much more. For a copy of this invaluable aid to understanding this complex issue, send your mailing address and phone number on an e-mail entitled BSE CD to Molly Penn at