Russian Ban On Beef From Brazilian State May Not Last Long
The Russian veterinary authorities have imposed a temporary restriction on beef imports from the Brazilian state, Matu Grossu, in response to a vesicular stomatitis outbreak. Matu Grossu is Brazil’s biggest beef producing state, supplying about 30 percent of Brazil’s beef exports to Russia by value. Major Brazilian beef producers Friboi and Marfrigo have plants in Matu Grossu, and 12 of the 33 plants approved for exprts to Russia are in the state. The ban was implemented on Feb. 15, but a source told USMEF-Europe: "As Mr. Sergey Dankvert, the chief of the Russian Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Monitoring Service, is in Brazil now with an official delegation, the restrictions can be lifted soon." If the Brazilian authorities prove that the outbreak occurred at a small farm which does not supply animals for the beef industry, the ban may not dramatically affect beef export prices.
Russian Ban On Beef From Brazilian State May Not Last Long
The Russian veterinary authorities have imposed a temporary restriction on beef imports from the Brazilian state, Matu Grossu, in response to a vesicular stomatitis outbreak. Matu Grossu is Brazil’s biggest beef producing state, supplying about 30 percent of Brazil’s beef exports to Russia by value. Major Brazilian beef producers Friboi and Marfrigo have plants in Matu Grossu, and 12 of the 33 plants approved for exprts to Russia are in the state. The ban was implemented on Feb. 15, but a source told USMEF-Europe: "As Mr. Sergey Dankvert, the chief of the Russian Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Monitoring Service, is in Brazil now with an official delegation, the restrictions can be lifted soon." If the Brazilian authorities prove that the outbreak occurred at a small farm which does not supply animals for the beef industry, the ban may not dramatically affect beef export prices.