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Branded Products Promotion Program Receives New Infusion of Funds

Published: Aug 12, 2008

Branded Products Promotion Program Receives New Infusion of Funds

USMEF is pleased to announce the second round of funding for USDA’s Branded Products Promotion Program – administered through USMEF.

Funds from this program can help your company attend trade fairs and exhibits and assist with travel costs to attend international (not domestic) trade shows. Branded funds can be used to offset costs of promotional items such as point-of-sale materials used in connection with a promotion, and help defray the costs of retail promotions, including fees for chefs, costumes, signs, displays and fees for demonstration staff.  Branded funds can also be used to help cover the cost of seminars, including interpreters, seminar materials, set-up costs/room rental, slides and production and translation of educational materials such as company brochures and product sheets.  Promotions funded under this program must take place between September 15, 2008 and December 31, 2008.   Applications will be accepted as long as funds are available.

To be eligible, companies must have 500 or fewer employees, or be a producer cooperative or association. USMEF charges a 5 percent administrative fee.   This fee represents 5 percent of the USMEF contribution to the activity.  In addition, USMEF requires a $100 application fee to accompany the company's request for funding. The application fee will be applied toward the 5 percent administrative fee.

Companies interested in the program should contact Barbara Watson at USMEF’s Denver office for guidelines and proposal format.  The address is:

U.S. Meat Export Federation
Attn: Barbara Watson
Independence Plaza
1050 17th St., Suite 2200
Denver, CO   80265
Telephone:  (303) 623-MEAT
Fax:  (303) 623-0297

Information on the program and on exporting is also available at USMEF’s website under “Find International Buyers.”

The branded program is a small part of the larger coordinated USMEF effort that includes generic funding from USDA’s Market Access and Foreign Market Development programs, private industry funds and funding from the beef, pork, corn and soybean checkoffs to promote foreign sales of U.S. red meats. 

Branded Products Promotion Program Receives New Infusion of Funds

USMEF is pleased to announce the second round of funding for USDA’s Branded Products Promotion Program – administered through USMEF.

Funds from this program can help your company attend trade fairs and exhibits and assist with travel costs to attend international (not domestic) trade shows. Branded funds can be used to offset costs of promotional items such as point-of-sale materials used in connection with a promotion, and help defray the costs of retail promotions, including fees for chefs, costumes, signs, displays and fees for demonstration staff.  Branded funds can also be used to help cover the cost of seminars, including interpreters, seminar materials, set-up costs/room rental, slides and production and translation of educational materials such as company brochures and product sheets.  Promotions funded under this program must take place between September 15, 2008 and December 31, 2008.   Applications will be accepted as long as funds are available.

To be eligible, companies must have 500 or fewer employees, or be a producer cooperative or association. USMEF charges a 5 percent administrative fee.   This fee represents 5 percent of the USMEF contribution to the activity.  In addition, USMEF requires a $100 application fee to accompany the company's request for funding. The application fee will be applied toward the 5 percent administrative fee.

Companies interested in the program should contact Barbara Watson at USMEF’s Denver office for guidelines and proposal format.  The address is:

U.S. Meat Export Federation
Attn: Barbara Watson
Independence Plaza
1050 17th St., Suite 2200
Denver, CO   80265
Telephone:  (303) 623-MEAT
Fax:  (303) 623-0297

Information on the program and on exporting is also available at USMEF’s website under “Find International Buyers.”

The branded program is a small part of the larger coordinated USMEF effort that includes generic funding from USDA’s Market Access and Foreign Market Development programs, private industry funds and funding from the beef, pork, corn and soybean checkoffs to promote foreign sales of U.S. red meats.