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Beef Export Verification Program | The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (A...

Published: Nov 03, 2004

Beef Export Verification Program

The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Beef Export Verification (BEV) program overview was presented in Kansas City and by a live Webcast and conference call coordinated by USMEF November 3, 2004. The resumption of beef trade with Japan and the conditions that the U.S. and Japan will have to meet in order to resume two-way trade in beef was the focus of the presentation.

Details of the AMS marketing program, specified product requirements, the Quality System Assessment Program (QSA) and implementation plan were discussed. Specifics on how to apply for services were also explained during the call.  James Riva, Chief of the Audit, Review and Compliance Branch of AMS, hosted the conference.

The following are requirements of the Quality System Assessment Program:

  • Specified risk materials (SRMs) must be removed from animals of all ages.
  • The Japanese definition of SRMs also include: spinal cords, distal ileum (two meters from connection to caecum), vertebral column (excluding the transverse processes of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, the wings of the sacrum and vertebrae of the tail) of all ages. 
  • USDA will verify the control program of each facility managed by a HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) plan or Associated Prerequisite Programs, including SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures). 
  • Beef items including offal and variety meats must be derived from bovine animals verified to be 20 months of age or younger. 
  • Bovine animals included in the BEV Program must be traceable to live animal production records which indicate 20 months of age or younger
  • Records that will be used to verify this requirement by AMS must meet at least one of the following criteria: 
    • Individual Animal Age Verification
    • Group Age Verification
    • Insemination Age Verification
    • Animals enrolled in an Approved USDA Process Verified Animal Identification and Data Collection Service that includes age 

The entire BEV online presentation is now available for download under the speech and presentation section of the U.S. Meat Export Federation website.  Beef Export Verification Program: Japan 2004

Beef Export Verification Program

The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Beef Export Verification (BEV) program overview was presented in Kansas City and by a live Webcast and conference call coordinated by USMEF November 3, 2004. The resumption of beef trade with Japan and the conditions that the U.S. and Japan will have to meet in order to resume two-way trade in beef was the focus of the presentation.

Details of the AMS marketing program, specified product requirements, the Quality System Assessment Program (QSA) and implementation plan were discussed. Specifics on how to apply for services were also explained during the call.  James Riva, Chief of the Audit, Review and Compliance Branch of AMS, hosted the conference.

The following are requirements of the Quality System Assessment Program:

  • Specified risk materials (SRMs) must be removed from animals of all ages.
  • The Japanese definition of SRMs also include: spinal cords, distal ileum (two meters from connection to caecum), vertebral column (excluding the transverse processes of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, the wings of the sacrum and vertebrae of the tail) of all ages. 
  • USDA will verify the control program of each facility managed by a HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) plan or Associated Prerequisite Programs, including SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures). 
  • Beef items including offal and variety meats must be derived from bovine animals verified to be 20 months of age or younger. 
  • Bovine animals included in the BEV Program must be traceable to live animal production records which indicate 20 months of age or younger
  • Records that will be used to verify this requirement by AMS must meet at least one of the following criteria: 
    • Individual Animal Age Verification
    • Group Age Verification
    • Insemination Age Verification
    • Animals enrolled in an Approved USDA Process Verified Animal Identification and Data Collection Service that includes age 

The entire BEV online presentation is now available for download under the speech and presentation section of the U.S. Meat Export Federation website.  Beef Export Verification Program: Japan 2004