Beef Ambassadors Visit USMEF Headquarters

The 2015 National Beef Ambassador team (from left to right): Will Pohlman, Alicia Smith, Rachel Purdy, Kalyn McKibben and Demi Snider
The 2015 National Beef Ambassadors visited USMEF’s Denver headquarters this week to learn more about international marketing of U.S. beef and the important returns beef exports provide for producers. The team received a briefing on the history, mission and functions of USMEF, and had an opportunity to ask many questions about international marketing and the issues affecting global demand for U.S. beef.
“After our meeting with USMEF, the biggest take-home for me is that the international markets are very dynamic – they are constantly changing and something that we always need to stay on top of,” said Rachel Purdy of Pine Bluffs, Wyoming. “Sometimes we get so caught up in what’s happening on our own ranch or in our local area that we lose track of the bigger picture, so it’s important that we educate producers about the importance of international trade and how it benefits our industry.”
Purdy currently studies agriculture business at the University of Wyoming, with a minor in international relations and comparative government.
“It was great to learn more about the international markets – both large and small – for U.S. beef,” added Kalyn McKibben of Wyandotte, Oklahoma, who is majoring in animal science and agricultural economics at Oklahoma State University. “It’s important to keep in mind that the U.S. has only about 5 percent of the world’s population, so building international demand is extremely important.”
Each year, participants in the National Beef Ambassador Program are chosen through a competition to serve as spokespersons for the beef industry, educating consumers in their respective regions about beef production and the attributes of U.S. beef. Learn more about the program at