Asia PacificUS Demands S. Korea 'Immediately' Cut Beef Tariffs In FTA TalksT...
Asia Pacific
US Demands S. Korea 'Immediately' Cut Beef Tariffs In FTA Talks
The United States demanded South Korea "immediately" abolish tariffs on beef at their free trade talks in Jeju Island, a South Korean delegate said Wednesday.
Agricultural Vision Outlined
British ambassador to France applauds meat exports and outlines vision for global agricultural market. Chris Harris reports from SIAL in France. The British government has called for a European farming sector that is free from subsidies that can live in a liberalized global market.
Brazil Beef Industry Sees Export Bans Ending Soon
Brazil's cattle sector expects beef bans to be removed after a year of export restrictions by 56 nations, and this will force competing countries to lower prices as more beef volume becomes available, analysts said.
Brazil denies that Amazon forest cut for soy, beef
Brazil on Wednesday rejected international criticism that it was sacrificing the Amazon rain forest to produce soy and beef.
United States
Farmers go green to fight global warming
Gary Larsen, a 63-year-old grandfather who raises corn and soybeans, is among the growing number of farmers concerned with the potential effects of global warming.
Asia Pacific
US Demands S. Korea 'Immediately' Cut Beef Tariffs In FTA Talks
The United States demanded South Korea "immediately" abolish tariffs on beef at their free trade talks in Jeju Island, a South Korean delegate said Wednesday.
Agricultural Vision Outlined
British ambassador to France applauds meat exports and outlines vision for global agricultural market. Chris Harris reports from SIAL in France. The British government has called for a European farming sector that is free from subsidies that can live in a liberalized global market.
Brazil Beef Industry Sees Export Bans Ending Soon
Brazil's cattle sector expects beef bans to be removed after a year of export restrictions by 56 nations, and this will force competing countries to lower prices as more beef volume becomes available, analysts said.
Brazil denies that Amazon forest cut for soy, beef
Brazil on Wednesday rejected international criticism that it was sacrificing the Amazon rain forest to produce soy and beef.
United States
Farmers go green to fight global warming
Gary Larsen, a 63-year-old grandfather who raises corn and soybeans, is among the growing number of farmers concerned with the potential effects of global warming.