Asia PacificKoreans pay highest beef, pork pricesNext time you’re having b...
Asia Pacific
Koreans pay highest beef, pork prices
Next time you’re having beef steak or pork chops for dinner, think of these figures. A study by the International Labor Organization of 13 nations showed that Korea had the highest per-kilogram (2.2 pounds) price for beef at $56.44 and pork at $14.12 per kilogram.
British beef exports recover
British beef exports are recovering strongly in spite of some residual consumer resistance in some markets, said Peter Hardwick, the Meat and Livestock Commission's Brussels-based international manager
United States
USDA Secretary: Beef Trade Talks With S. Korea Possible Soon
U.S. Department Of Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said Tuesday that he believes renewed talks with South Korea to try to open up beef trade could resume as early as this month or early February.
Pork Production in 2007 Expected To Increase About 3 Percent
Based on the farrowing intentions reported in the December Quarterly Hogs and Pigs report, and assuming that higher feed costs will restrain growth in dressed weights to their approximate 2006 levels, USDA forecasts 2007 U.S. commercial pork production at 21.7 billion pounds, an increase of 3 percent compared with 2006.
Asia Pacific
Koreans pay highest beef, pork prices
Next time you’re having beef steak or pork chops for dinner, think of these figures. A study by the International Labor Organization of 13 nations showed that Korea had the highest per-kilogram (2.2 pounds) price for beef at $56.44 and pork at $14.12 per kilogram.
British beef exports recover
British beef exports are recovering strongly in spite of some residual consumer resistance in some markets, said Peter Hardwick, the Meat and Livestock Commission's Brussels-based international manager
United States
USDA Secretary: Beef Trade Talks With S. Korea Possible Soon
U.S. Department Of Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said Tuesday that he believes renewed talks with South Korea to try to open up beef trade could resume as early as this month or early February.
Pork Production in 2007 Expected To Increase About 3 Percent
Based on the farrowing intentions reported in the December Quarterly Hogs and Pigs report, and assuming that higher feed costs will restrain growth in dressed weights to their approximate 2006 levels, USDA forecasts 2007 U.S. commercial pork production at 21.7 billion pounds, an increase of 3 percent compared with 2006.